testing bulletproof vest, 1923

Over drinks last week, my friend George mentioned he (in addition to many other Americans, I’m sure) was terrified Obama was going to get shot walking down Pennsylvania Ave on Inauguration Day.  This opened a discussion about bulletproof  clothes– I’d seen a TV documentary or something on a Colombian company that specialized in bulletproof leather jackets (and possibly other “casual” clothes — it was many years ago I saw it).  And what do you know, not only was someone else afraid of the same assassination, but someone had the same foresight that I did!  Apparently Obama strolled down his new street in a totally dashing, Colombian-constructed bullet resistant suit (I suppose the expression “bulletproof” could bring on lawsuits if it failed).  I immediately sent George a link to the news and wondered if Obama were deliberately shot in in a demo suit beforehand.  More likely he witnessed a demo of one of those Colombian factory workers (I love the accompanying photo) getting shot at.

Obama on Inauguration Day, 2009

“The suit, possibly by Colombian designer Miguel Caballero, could in theory stop a 9MM. This type of clothing has three levels of bullet-proofness, and, if indeed Obama was wearing a Caballero design, we imagine it was the top-tier one. Sharply dressed and can dodge bullets?” ~New York Magazine

Further reading:

  • “President Obama Wears Bullet-Resistant Suit at Ingaurual”, 1/21/09